The Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching (CTLT) was founded with a vision of a center that would combine research, teaching and service in a synergistic way that would help faculty, staff, and students achieve excellence in all three areas. Early on, the CTLT decided to focus its work on technology in teacher education, with this synergy in mind. Therefore, at the center, research and practice on using technology to improve teaching and learning go hand-in-hand.
A unique center
The CTLT is a community comprised of a collaborative group of faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students who have created a learning environment that continually demonstrates powerful applications of technology that improve student learning.
The CTLT has spaces designed for whole-class instruction, collaborative group work, and individual projects. It provides users with opportunities to freely explore traditional and non-traditional technologies while simultaneously researching the ways these technologies can be used in education. Faculty and staff are also continuously developing online learning experiences. These experiences range from utilizing mobile devices and social networking in the classroom to a complete Master of Education with an emphasis in educational technology degree program at a distance.
Our vision has always included the establishment of a technology center that is dynamic and learner-centered while being alive with enthusiasm, new ideas and discovery.
The CTLT is housed within the School of Education in the College of Human Sciences.