Copying and Scanning
The CTLT has a copy machine near the Support Desk that can also scan documents and send them to an ISU email address. This is located in 0640 Lagomarcino.
Please ask for assistance from the Student Assistants at the support desk if you would like to make copies. They will need to grant you access. Copies cost $0.05/page and can be paid for using cash or check only.
Scanning documents is free. Scanned documents will be sent to your ISU email address as a PDF file. This is an easy way to obtain digital copies of graded assignments or other materials.
Collaborative Media:scape Tables
The CTLT has four Media:scape stations in 0640 Lagomarcino. These are great for group work because they provide each individual at the table their own connection to a large LCD TV. Up to six group members can easily display and share their devices on the large screen so all members can see. The Media:scape stations can be used at any time without reservations, but you can make a reservation if you wish. Device display adapters can be checked out from the Support Desk.
Little Campanile Library
The CTLT has a small library modeled after the campanile located next to the support desk. These books are not a part of our checkout library collection. Books are donated to the Little Campanile Library and people may take and keep them as they please. If you have books to donate or would like to add to your book collection, stop by and take a look.